The human skin is the largest organ of the human body. It not only has quite a complex structure but also performs several life-sustaining functions.
We can live without a Spleen, Gall Bladder, or Appendix, and we can survive with only one Kidney or one Lung, but we cannot survive without our skin. As a result, it is of the utmost importance that we take care of our skin.
Using natural skin care products is a good first step in providing the skin with the right nutrients and building materials to retain its health and functionality.
What Does Our Skin Actually Do for Us?
Our skin has many functions, most of which we are unaware of until something goes wrong. They include:
- Regulation of body temperature
- Protection against the elements
- Sensation
- Excretion
- Immunity
- Blood storage and
- Synthesis of Vitamin D
If you want to read about these functions in more detail you can have a look at this article: "Anatomy & Physiology of the Skin".
In summary, these functions provide us with awareness of our surrounding climatic environment, protect us against some of the bacteria and other potentially harmful bugs in our surroundings, allow us to experience touch and feel, eliminate toxins from our body, store blood, and provide the means for our body to obtain vitamin D while protecting our body from the sun's UV-rays.
Considering these vital functions our skin has to perform, it is no surprise that we need to look after our skin and make sure it is given every opportunity to function properly and remain healthy.
Why You Should Choose Natural Skin Care Products?
With all the media and news reports warning consumers of the potentially toxic ingredients in many of the commercially available skin care products sold in supermarkets and department stores, this is an easy question to answer.
Firstly, many of the commonly used skin care products contain artificial and/or synthetic ingredients that the body has difficulties in eliminating, and as a result, it tends to store these chemicals in its tissues. Research has shown that the accumulation of many of these substances can have serious health effects.
If you are interested in learning more about some of the toxic chemicals used in skin care products, please read the article " Potentially Toxic Ingredients In Skin Care Products". It will provide you with much information and research references for you to be able to identify what is in your skincare products and what should not be there.
Holistically natural skin care products do not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients. They should also not contain isolated, concentrated, natural substances, such as parabens (pseudo-natural preservatives) and the like, that have been shown to be potentially hazardous.
How To Choose Natural Skin Care Products That are Safe and Effective?
This is where it starts to get really difficult. You see, many so-called natural or organic skin care products are in reality nothing of the kind. Adding a minuscule amount of aloe vera to water does not constitute a holistically natural skin care product. It may be 'natural' or even 'organic', but it will not be effective and therefore is a waste of your money.
To have an effective aloe vera product, for example, requires at least 10% of the overall content to be aloe vera. Or, the aloe vera needs to be combined with several other active, natural ingredients that are combined to achieve a specific result.
The term 'Organic' is another area where consumers are being misled. Adding a single 'organic' ingredient and then calling the products 'organic', is quite simply wrong. You see the commercials on television and in magazines every day... "XYZ product contains organic this and organic that"... but no mention is made of the other ingredients that are contained in these products, many of which have been shown to be hazardous to our health.
There is yet another problem with natural skin care products, that is an area of confusion and potentially misleading. Just ask yourself what exactly is "natural"? What is actually meant by the term "natural"?
The word 'natural' congers up images of nature - pristine environments that make us feel good. A safe, natural environment that is conducive to health and a sense of wellbeing. Spring water, waterfalls, pristine lakes, healthy salads, Rainforests, etc., are all images that we perceive as 'natural', or in other words 'good for us'.
The cosmetic industry has ceased on this and is using the word natural to instil in their advertisements a sense of wellbeing and the idea that this product is good for us. Unfortunately, one or two natural ingredients do not a natural skin care product make... Far from it, natural skin care products should not contain any ingredients that are not naturally sourced. This brings us to another problem with natural skin care products.
A naturally sourced ingredient, such as the various forms of paraben, may still be potentially hazardous. Just think about it - would you put arsenic or lead on your skin? No of course you wouldn't. But, they are natural, so what's the problem? Natural substances too can also be deadly poisons.
Applying this to skin care products, you might be looking for a product that is natural and contains AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids), which we know help to remove dead skin cell layers which in turn helps to remove fine lines and wrinkles, revealing new vibrant skin.
Now, you could buy a product that lists as one of its ingredients AHAs, it might even contain AHA in its name, or you could buy a product that contains a concentrate called papain, which is a natural substance from the Papaya fruit. So, yes papain is natural and yes this product could, depending on other ingredients, be called a natural skin care product. However, papain is a concentration and as such many people have experienced side effects because the papain is present in too high a concentration for some people.
A truly, holistically natural skin care product would not contain papain as an extract. Rather it would contain Papaya fruit itself. You see, the whole fruit still contains papain, however, it also contains other ingredients in the papaya that modify the excessively strong effect of the papain. Choosing such a product will, at least to a large extent, reduce any potential side effects from the papain, because the product is naturally balanced and contains naturally balanced ingredients that will benefit your skin rather than burn it. A few of the top-quality products and one of my favourites are listed below from a reputed brand. I have used each one of them and found it really gentle on the skin and perfectly fine to use. If you want to grab them from below.
Organic Harvest Skin Lightening & Brightning Cream For Women | Ideal For All Skin Type | Reduces Dark Spot, Protect From Sun Damage, Lighten Skin Tone | Paraben & Sulphate Free

Organic Harvest Lily Lip Butter Enriched With Vitamin E & Benefits Of Mango Butter, For Dark Lips to Lighten, Lip Care for Dry & Chapped Lips, 100% Organic, Paraben & Sulphate Free For Girls & Women
Organic Harvest Daily Day Cream For Women & Girls, Helps in Nourishing & Moisturising The Skin, Protects Skin From Harmful UV Rays, Cream For Daily Use, 100% Organic, Paraben & Sulphate Free
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