The human skin is the largest organ of the human body. It not only has quite a complex structure but also performs several life-sustaining functions. We can live without a Spleen, Gall Bladder, or Appendix, and we can survive with only one Kidney or one Lung, but we cannot survive without our skin. As a result, it is of the utmost importance that we take care of our skin. Using natural skin care products is a good first step in providing the skin with the right nutrients and building materials to retain its health and functionality. What Does Our Skin Actually Do for Us? Our skin has many functions, most of which we are unaware of until something goes wrong. They include: Regulation of body temperature P rotection against the elements Sensation Excretion Immunity Blood storage and Synthesis of Vitamin D If you want to read about these functions in more detail you can have a look at this article: "Anatomy & Physiology of the Skin". In summary, these functions provide us wi...