Basketball Size 7 Professional Basket Ball for Indoor-Outdoor Training Basketball Size 7 Gift baskets offer a variety of stuff that suits the buyers' interests. Buying a gift basket for boys is not a difficult task at all. You can make a basket for boys at home. However, if you have a busy schedule and can't spend hours to make a basket, you can purchase prepackaged gift baskets as well. Whatever option you go for, make sure that you have chosen a right one considering boys interests. Following are the some ideas for gift basket for boys. Super Hero Basket A young super hero buff will surely like a basket having a range of super hero novelties. These days, new generation is crazy about Spiderman, Super Man etc. Thus, adding stuff related to spider man in the basket will certainly help you developing a unique basket for boys. Tons of Spiderman novelties such as a Spiderman comic book, a Spiderman color set, a Spiderman note book, Spiderman stickers and lots of other ...